FAITH Goalkeeping teaches the “FAITH” method to every goalkeeper we work with. Here is a quick breakdown of what it is…


Getting Your Mind Right!

Your performance begins with your decision to focus on information and behaviors helpful to your performance. There is one thing you must never forget: “When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.


Learning how to make adjustments when things are not going well.

Adaptability allows you to find solutions to scenarios or situations for which you were unprepared for. It helps you tackle challenges that seem impossible at first and enables you to rapidly learn new skills and behaviors in response to changing circumstances.


Learning and making smarter decisions.

Insight, that moment of clarity when a solution comes to you and you figured out that “something” or when you experience that “a-ha” moment, is important for goalkeepers at any level. Similar to awareness, having insight allows you to see what everyone sees but notice, learn, and master what few can.


NEVER giving up, no matter what!

More than anything else, the key to success and overcoming failure is TENACITY. Whether you call it willpower, determination, or persistence, tenacity is the key to your progress and development. It will push you to your limits and at times, drive you to go beyond them. It will also ensure that no matter the circumstances, you never accept anything less than the absolute best.


Working hard and giving it your absolute best (your 100%)!

You cannot be the best at something unless you work hard for it and give it your all. That is the biggest difference between the great and the merely good. Your success will be even sweeter when you realize what you came through and the tough times you overcame before you reached your goals.

Here are more important lessons we teach our goalkeepers…