Private Training Sessions

Booking a Private Training Session allows us focus solely on you. We get to closely monitor your progress. While training in a small group setting can be fun, there are times when you have to go at it alone. But regardless, for you to truly improve your skills, you must really learn to love solo training both on and off the pitch. This is vital to your long-term success.

Key Benefits of Private Training:

  • It makes you physically stronger! - You start to learn a lot about your character, your strengths, your weaknesses, etc. Those days where you have to suck it up and push yourself will pay off on gameday.

  • It makes you mentally sharper! - Psychological strength is equally as important as physical strength. When you train with a partner, they keep you accountable and push you. When you go at it alone, you have to rely on yourself for motivation. As a result, you grow and become stronger.

Key Disadvantages of Private Training:

  • It takes time for you to see results! - Unfortunately, private training means that we have to go at a slower pace, cover one topic at a time before moving onto the next. And this can be really frustrating sometimes.

  • It can get boring and annoying! - Training with a partner keeps you on your toes. Especially if you decide to push each other with some friendly competitions. Unfortunately, with private training, you have to do all that yourself and that can be tough,

Interested in booking a Private Session?

Take a look at our Private Training offerings and select the option(s) that works best for you.

Don’t forget to also take a look at and select one of our Training Bundle(s)!*

* To avoid additional booking fees and guarantee attendance, we require that people seeking to work with us purchase one of our training bundles.