Why “FAITH Goalkeeping?”

Several people have asked me the past couple of years, “Why did you choose the name FAITH Goalkeeping?” Well, the answer to that is simple. Somewhat. Here is why…

The Backstory, Summarized.

Let me start at the beginning, in 2020, during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.

To some, 2020 was a year of unbelievable suffering, loss, pain, and struggle. Personally, I lost some close friends, family friends, and family members due to COVID. That was hard. I also know several friends who were laid off during this time, lost their primary source of income, and struggled like never before in the middle of an already stressful time. It was crazy to say the least. To others, despite the craziness of COVID, 2020 was an amazing year. It was the year they got to accomplish so much, spend more time with family, reconnect with loved ones, complete exciting and long-awaited projects, and so much more. I will always remember 2020 as the Year of Unbelievable Blessings because it was the year when I got engaged to my wife and founded FAITH Goalkeeping.

Leading up to that year, I had been coaching young goalkeepers at Cincinnati Soccer Club (Cincy SC) and leading several GK training sessions for my college club team, the University of Cincinnati Men’s Soccer Club (UCMSC). I had been doing that for about 3 or so years. If you know or read anything about me, you will quickly understand that I just enjoy pushing myself and working hard to earn anything that I obtain. I wanted to pass that same mentality onto others. That is why I enjoy teaching, coaching and leading, especially when it comes to Football (i.e., Soccer).

Sadly, in 2020, all of this was taken away from me. UCMSC and Cincy SC, just like everything else at the time, were forced to shutdown because people could not meet in person. As a result of that, I was unable to fulfill this calling placed on my life. That was very frustrating for me. I felt empty. I quickly realized that both UCMSC and Cincy SC had a good level of control of whether or not I get to fulfill my calling and live in purpose, and I just could not accept that.

As a Christian, whenever I face dilemmas, especially ones as hard as this, I always try to lean on and find solutions in the Bible. Believe it or not, I always do. In Hebrews 12:1 (NLT), it says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. When I came across this verse, I knew right then and there that I needed to continue coaching somehow, even if it meant doing it on my own.

Truth be told, I did not know much about business or entrepreneurship. Luckily, my wife (fiancée at the time) did. She had (still does) her own business, Be In Not Of (BINO). So, I asked her for tips and guidance. She was beyond helpful. With her assistance, I was able to write my vision and make it plain for all to see (Habakkuk 2:1-3). And on December 23, 2020, when it came time to come up with a name for said vision, she asked me one simple question: What is the most important thing to you?

"Faith,” I replied.

And just like that, thanks to some additional inspiration from other well-known goalkeepers and leaders in the industry such as The Modern-Day GK or New Wave Goalkeeping, FAITH Goalkeeping was born.

Why should I care?

There is more than meets the eye in the name “FAITH Goalkeeping.” In fact, the name was just a piece of the puzzle. I wanted to come up with a name that accurately reflects who I am, what I believe in and what I want to teach to and instill in all trainees I come across. As you can imagine, tying FAITH to goalkeeping was where the challenge really laid. Luckily, thanks to my better half, it was a much easier process than anticipated.

My wife suggested that I write out what each letter of the word FAITH stood for, explain why it mattered to me, and clearly outline why it was important to my coaching style. So, I did…

In case you have not picked up by now, yes! My wife did most of the work! Which is why she deserves most of the credit. Luckily, since we are married, she did not ask for compensation and it was all FREE. And if it is FREE, it is FOR ME. Do not tell her I said that.

It was after an extensive process of elimination that she helped me come up with and define the words that would be to describe FAITH:

  • FOCUS- Getting your mind right.

  • ADAPT- Making adjustments when things are not going well.

  • INSIGHT- Learning as you go, making smarter decisions (a big part of goalkeeping).

  • TENACITY- NEVER giving up, no matter what!

  • HEART- Loving what you do and giving it your 100%.

Each of these is vital in goalkeeping. I cannot recall a single session where I have not touched on most if not all 5 topics. It is a constant reminder to all trainees that they need to have FAITH (Focus-Adapt-Insight-Tenacity-Heart), especially when playing such a difficult position.

Forget religion for a second. It does not matter to me whether or not you identify as a Christian like I do. I genuinely want you to have faith in yourself, and your abilities. Even if someone does not believe in you or has given up on you, have faith! As long as you continue to believe in and push yourself to be better than who you were yesterday, you can accomplish anything. Nothing will be able to stop you.

Here is the big idea (i.e., Key Takeaway): Believe in yourself as much as, if not more than, I believe in you.

Read more by clicking here: FAITH Goalkeeping Development Approach.


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